Pension check for companies

Pension provision is also a matter for the boss – how up to date is your company's pension fund? The world of work has changed, and New Work models have taken hold: an increasing number of people are working part-time, multiple jobs or other forms of employment. Get an overview in just 5 minutes with the pension check:

Pension provision is also a matter for the boss – how up to date is your company's pension fund?

This will show you how well your pension fund solution meets the requirements of the modern working world.

You can check the most important points in an interactive way.

You will receive specific tips on how to optimize your occupational retirement provision so that you can position yourself as an attractive employer.

Retirement provision check for companies

Interim Result

Your result

Minimum retirement provision solution










Retirement provision check for companies

The following is the status of your responses to date






Minimumretirement provision solution

Your pension solution only covers the statutory minimum. Unfortunately, this is no longer sufficient for adequate old-age provision these days.

What does it bring? What does it cost? What should be considered?


Flextime working models

Minimum age

At what age do your employees start saving in the pension fund?


What rules apply?

Part-time employment

Is workload taken into account in your retirement provision?

Why is this important?

Career breaks

How many months do your employees continue to be insured during career breaks?


How does this typically work?


Entry threshold

From what annual income are your employees insured?


From which salary is one compulsorily insured?

Maximum insured salary

Up to what maximum annual salary are your employees insured?


What is the maximum salary for compulsory insurance?

Improved savings scale

Do you offer your employees the opportunity to save more in the pension fund than required by law?

What does the law say?

Share of imputation bonus

In your BVG solution, to what percentage are bonuses added to the relevant salary?


Is the bonus also insured?

Financing BVG

What percentage of the contributions do you pay as an employer?


What does the law say?

Risk coverage BVG

Do your employees have better coverage for disability and death than required by the BVG? (Survivors' pension, children's pension)?

What risk coverage does the BVG prescribe?

Information on retirement planning BVG

Do your employees receive other information about their pension fund besides the pension certificate?

What information options are there?

Thank you very much!

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FAQ Occupational Pensions

Under the BVG, all employees subject to AHV contributions are insured against the risks of disability and death from January 1 after their 17th birthday. From January 1 after their 24th birthday, employees begin making retirement savings contributions. Companies have the opportunity to enable employees to save for retirement at an earlier stage. Savings contributions can be made from the age of 18. The additional contribution years increase the total retirement capital, which in turn improves the retirement benefits.
According to the BVG, the pension fund does not cover the entire salary, only part of it. For example, a coordination deduction is deducted from the gross salary. The amount of the coordination deduction is the same for all employees and, according to the BVG, is not automatically adjusted in the case of a reduced workload. This leads to disproportionate benefit reductions in the case of a part-time workload. Companies have the option of adjusting the coordination deduction to the workload or doing without it altogether. This leads to a significantly higher insured salary, which has a correspondingly positive effect on all pension benefits.

In the case of unpaid leave or work interruptions lasting longer than one month, there are basically two options:

a) Unchanged continuation of the insurance: If the insurance continues unchanged, all benefits (old age, disability, death) remain insured at the same level. In this case, the insured person pays both the employer and employee contributions. Thanks to the continuation of the insurance, retirement capital continues to grow, which has a positive effect on the total amount of the pension benefits.

b) Continuation of risk insurance: If risk insurance is continued, the retirement savings process is interrupted, for example during unpaid leave. The risks of disability and death, on the other hand, remain insured. Whether the risk contributions continue to be paid jointly or solely by the insured person is up to the employer.

In the context of occupational pensions, the entry threshold refers to the minimum income above which insurance is mandatory in Switzerland. According to the BVG, employees with a certain annual income are subject to mandatory insurance: 22,050 Swiss francs according to 2024 data. The entry threshold can be lowered or set to zero francs altogether. This means that employees with lower incomes can also be insured under the occupational pension scheme and thus pay contributions into their pension fund.

An annual salary of between 22,050 and a maximum of 88,200 Swiss francs is subject to mandatory insurance under the occupational pension scheme. (2024 figures). Salary components that exceed the maximum salary of 88,200 Swiss francs are no longer taken into account in accordance with the BVG.

However, higher salary components can certainly be insured, depending on the respective pension regulations. There is a lot of room for manoeuvre, as the maximum insurable salary amounts to 882,000 Swiss francs.

Retirement savings are accumulated in the form of annual retirement credits from January 1 after the 24th birthday until retirement. BVG provides for a savings process that is staggered according to age: the amount of retirement credits increases gradually, depending on age. Savings contributions as a percentage of the insured salary are grouped into the following age categories: 25-34 years: 7%, 35-44 years: 10%, 45-54 years: 15%, 55-65 years: 18%.

The pension fund regulations may allow higher savings scales than provided for by law. With higher savings contributions, the retirement capital increases, which has a positive effect on the total amount of retirement benefits.

In principle, variable salary components such as a bonus are subject to BVG contributions. This obligation can only be waived for salaries of 88,200 Swiss francs or more. In this case, the pension fund regulations can provide for a partially inclusive or fully inclusive solution for bonuses.

It is important to note that the applicable regulatory provisions of the individual pension plan are always decisive in this regard. If variable salary components are also insured, the retirement capital will enjoy stronger growth. This has a positive effect on the total amount of retirement benefits.

At least 50% of the savings and risk contributions to the BVG must be paid by the employer. Employer and employee contributions are set out in detail in the pension regulations. As a rule, contributions are split equally between both parties. Regulatory provisions can allow the employer to bear a larger share.

Risk insurance covers benefits in the event of disability and death. It begins on January 1 after the 17th birthday. According to BVG, risk benefits in the event of death or disability are calculated on the basis of the expected retirement savings at ordinary retirement age. As a result, low retirement assets lead to lower risk, benefits. The survivor's pension amounts to 60% of the full disability pension. A disability pension is only payable from a degree of disability of 40%.

Risk protection can be improved by stipulating in the pension regulations that risk benefits are calculated on the basis of the insured salary instead of on the basis of retirement savings. Furthermore, the degree of disability required to grant a disability pension can be reduced in the pension regulations.

The pension fund is legally obligated to send the pension certificate to each insured person once a year. This also fulfils your duty to provide information as an employer. At first glance, the pension certificate is peppered with technical terms and figures. Explain the pension certificate to your employees. In this way, you raise their awareness of the topic of retirement provision.

An information event can clear up many questions. During a personnel orientation, pension experts will come to you and inform your employees about the basics of social insurance. SMEs can save time by focusing intensively on BVG topics.

Individual Advice BVG

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What does your personal pension look like? Do you want to live your dreams into old age? Get an overview in just 5 minutes with the Vita Pension Calculator


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Your information serves as the basis for determining the location. We use simplifications and statistical empirical values, because we do not know your pension fund solution in detail. The more information you provide, the more applicable our tips will be to your company; however, these do not replace an individual consultation.
